Magical mornings
The morning is arguably my favourite time of the day. Only at the weekends though! I really struggle with the 5:50 am wake up calls during my working week and often feel shattered by the end of the working day. However, they are so much more manageable without the hangovers! Not that I would ever drink heavily the night before a work day but I have noticed in recent years, that if I have a heavy Saturday, it takes me until at least Tuesday to feel normal. Monday mornings were horrible.... I would still feel so tired, sluggish, demotivated, and actually slightly poisoned! At what point do 3-day hangovers catch up with us? Why was this not a thing when I was in my 20s? Why did no one WARN us of this? Anyway, back to my love of mornings... I am fortunate enough to live in a country where the sun shines most days so at the weekend, I just love to rise early, drink freshly ground coffee from our machine and, get to the gym and contemplate the rest of the day. Life here ...